Pattern Review: Basic Bralette

Pattern Review: Basic Bralette

 Using some leftover yarn I had, I decided to give the basic bralette pattern by Morale Fiber a go.  Overall, I found the pattern extremely well written and it worked up pretty quickly. I am pleased with the result, with a few caveats: 1. Check your gauge.  I *never*...
Pattern Review: Kimono

Pattern Review: Kimono

A while ago a friend gave me a really beautiful piece of silky material.  I am guessing it is a polyester blend, but it flows like silk! I held onto it for a while, trying to decide what to make: a skirt? a chemise? pants?  I ended up deciding to try out one of the...
Pattern Review: Red Heart Llama No Drama

Pattern Review: Red Heart Llama No Drama

This is not so much a tutorial as it is sharing a pattern I followed, the results and a few comments on it. I found this pattern for a stuffed Llama on Redheart and fell in love instantly. I shared it with my buddy and she also became enamoured. She asked me to make...